The start of the 2020 Inteliigent Money British GT Championship season has been postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 around the world. The governing body for motorsport in the UK, Motorsport UK, withdrew all permits for racing action earlier this week after new rules on social distancing were introduced by the United Kingdom government in an attempt to battle the outbreak in Britain.
At the moment, the postponement only affects the opening rounds of the championship at Oulton Park on Easter weekend. However, if the situation continues to degrade, the third and fourth rounds of the championship at Sntterton could also be at risk.
In a statement on their website, the series did confirm that it is still their plan to run 9 rounds of the championship at the 6 venues already planned. They said:
SRO Motorsports Group, still fully intend to stage seven rounds as per 2020’s original schedule. Further information will be issued in due course.
The British GT Fans Show are currently reviewing the options for changes to coverage planned throughout the 2020 season and will give further updates when information becomes available